With packed schedules, many of us learned to demand things—from kids AND ourselves—right now. Right this second. When kids want something we can give them, it can feel like we need to give it to them right away. When we want something from them, it can feel like they need to give it to *us* right away.
When *everything* is urgent, though, we quickly find ourselves out of time and out of energy for…just about everything.
When urgency is woven into every aspect of our lives, it can be hard to:
⚡ Tell whether or not we *need* to be doing everything we’re always rushing off to do
⚡ Make time to think about + process feelings
⚡ Prioritize the needs of everyone, vs. the needs of the most visible or most powerful people in a community
If we find ourselves running from one thing to the next to the next…it might be a sign that we need to do less + make room for more rest, for breathing + for reflecting.
Is slowing down easy for you? 👇🏽👇🏼👇🏿