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Things parents do that destroy their relationship with their children

Here’s a post about some things parents do that destroy their relationship with their children.⁠

Whenever I make these posts, I always get comments like, “Parents are an easy target” and so on. ⁠

I totally understand — parents are an easy source of hate for angsty kids and teens since time immemorial. 🤔⁠

However, especially in the world of trauma and ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), more and more people are realizing just how their parents’ flawed parenting has led to their suffering in some way or form.⁠

Two things can be true at the same time: parenting is hard and the massive amounts of effort often go unnoticed. And at the same time, many parents do not realize how their own unhealthy coping mechanisms are passing on to their children. 🙌⁠


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